Using IPA to provide automount maps for NFSv4 home directories

Since the invention of NFSv4, automount NFS home directories is secure. Since the invention of IPA, its easier to set up and maintain. This article guides you trough the steps needed to set it up. The procedures have been tested on RHEL7.1 for the IPA servers, RHEL6.6 and 7.1 as clients but should work on Fedora and CentOS. Unfortunately it seems not to work (yet) for Debian Sid and Ununtu. [Update] Works in Ubuntu 14.04[/Update] Assumptions Your Domain is ….Read More

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS released

End of April 2010, Ubuntu 10.04 was released. As always it is based on Debian’s Testing-Release. Canonical “stabilizes” the testing tree of Debian and adds its own look. This time, Ubuntu radically changed its look. From my point of view it looks ugly, very ugly. Strange colors, low contrasts in menus, orange icons in Nautilus… window buttons on the left side… At the end of the day an usability-horror. Under the hood Ubuntu is a very stable distribution with recent ….Read More

Ready to upstart?

It is time to replace the aged SysV init system with someting better At the time when  SysV init (pronounced “System five”) appeared, hardware configurations have been quite static, no hot plug and similar fancy stuff. SysV init is started after the kernel is loaded. The init process reads /etc/inittab and walks trough the runcontrol script and runlevels. This sequential walk-trough takes most of the time when booting a modern Unix system. Upstart follows another approach: Starting daemons and services ….Read More